Sunday, November 30, 2014


Methods and approaches are a very big and sometimes complex topic to discuss. In this unit the terms ‘approaches’ and ‘methods’ will be used interchangeably as they are in the TKT to refer to views of language and language learning. That’s why this unit focuses on approaches to language teaching. However, what it exactly mean? Well, an approach to language teaching refers to how we see language and how we see language takes place. For example we might think language is a set of grammatical structures and rules and that it occurs by learning those rules and using them on real-life situations. An approach also refers to the ways or methods or teaching that a teacher use in the classroom and that are based on these views.

I also learned that some people who support communicative approaches believe that language is a tool to communicate meaning and that we learn language best by using it in communicative activities that focus on fluency, as it’s the case of speaking.

I also learned some aspects of the Structural approach. One of them says that language is a system of structures used to communicate meaning. Also that language is learnt through controlled practices and choral drills of simpler structures more than complicated ones. Furthermore, oral skills are learnt before written skills. In contrast, TBL approach says that language is a tool for communicating meaning through use of functions, vocabulary, structures and discourse. Also it says that language is learnt by using it, by being exposed to it. It finally describes that classroom activities are based around a series of problem-solving tasks that need to be solved through communication.

I will apply this on my future teachings by being aware that there are not good or bad approaches. The best approach to use depends on who my learners will be and which will be my teaching conditions. I will take into account learners’ age as well as their level of English, expectations of learning, previous learning experience and motivation to learn. I will also try not to change my methods and approaches so often to avoid students get confused and begin to think I’m not very sure of my teaching style.

You can visit these additional web resources that contain more information:

  • Richards C, J. Rodgers S, T. (2001) Approaches and Methods in language teaching: Second Edition. Cambridge University Press.

  • Richards C, J. Rodgers S, T. (1986) Language teaching methodologies. Retrieved from:

  • Richards C, J. Rodgers S, T. [wwwGVPconz]. (2014, May 28). Jack C. Richards - Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching [Video file]. Retrieved from:

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