Thursday, November 27, 2014


Errors in language learning have always been a very important matter and this unit emphasizes that fact. Thanks to the knowledge I acquired on this unit I know that making mistakes in language learning is not as bad as I thought before, unlike, they are a very useful tool to interact and manipulate language because learners can experience it as it really is and measure their success and how accurate they are in communicating and language production.

I also learned the reasons why learners make mistakes on second language learning process. It’s because of something linguistically called interference (also transfer) that consists on the influence of the learner’s L1 or first language (also known as mother tongue) on the L2 or second language. Learners tend to mix intonation patterns, pronunciation, lexis and even grammar structures from L1 to L2. Another important reason has to do with developmental errors that consist on the unconscious experimentation and organization with the language learners have acquired, however this process is not completely developed, something very common with all learners with no specifications of age or any other factor.

In short, this unit talks about the different mistakes a learner make when speaking or writing on the target language, why they do it, and which role a mistake plays in language learning.

One of the ways I will apply this on my teaching process in a near future is by first thinking critically when and how to correct learners, because the way I correct them will have a big impact on their language production. Since errors are something that only time and practice corrects I will try to identify what kind of mistake a learned is making on written tasks, for example if the mistake is just a slip, I will do some prompting or another learner can do it. On speaking or fluent tasks, I will not pay attention and try to ignore to learner’s mistakes till they are finished with it. In that way they will increase their confidence and fluency experimenting and mistaking with language. Furthermore I won’t be the kind of teacher that correct students by interrupting while they are trying to produce language, however I would give them the chance to reformulate the ideas they are mistaking on. That’s my version on how to apply this unit on future teachings. 

I think this video is a very useful tool, check it out.

  • Kaufmann, S. [lingosteve]. (2014, April 13). Day 89: Don't worry about your mistakes in language learning [Video file]. Retrieved from

Some other Websites you can visit for more information:

  • Szynalski, P. (2011) The role of mistakes in language learning. Retrieved from:

  • Yang, W. (2010) A Tentative Analysis of Errors in Language Learning and Use. Finland.


  1. Great!

    Lots of extra information were added which I consider a great matter because we only have to read it and get acknowledgement so to apply in our classroom with our students.

  2. Good job Andres!!
    your reflection covers fully what we have learned in this unit. I also thought like you about errors, that they are but , but now i know they are very useful as you said. Also, I agree with your way of applying the role of error in your teaching process since it is essential to know firstly when and how to correct them in order to avoid affecting students´confidence.

  3. I agree with you about teachers need to be careful in the way they correct student's mistakes. Your analysis on this unit is very clear and shows your interest about the subject.
