The first impression not always is the most
important, but is the one that will give learners an idea of how it will work and the
teacher’s methodology and also what a lesson will be about. That’s why a
teacher needs to be ready for giving a good introduction to a topic for the
first time and get learners’ attention.
This unit emphasizes what I just wrote before.
On the one hand there are presentation techniques, which are the ways used by a
teacher to present
or introduce new language such as vocabulary, grammatical structures and pronunciation for
the first time. On the other hand there are introductory activities, which are those,
used by a teacher to introduce a lesson or teaching topic.
The introductory stage of a lesson helps
students to focus on the lesson and its content. There are two kinds of
introductory activities: The first are known as warmers and are often used to raise
students’ energy levels or to make them feel comfortable with the class right
before it starts. They are not always connected to the topic of the lesson. The
second are called lead-ins
and are used to focus on the topics or new language of the lesson. They can
also focus and motivate
students and make link between the topic of the lesson and the students’ personalization.
I also learned that the presentation stages (Presentation, practice and
production PPP lesson and the Task-based learning TBL lesson) also must
include introductory activities.
One of the ways I will include this on my
future teachings will be according to the presentation stage. For example: for
PPP lessons I will have an aim for it. I will also contextualize the new language, I mean; I
will put it in situation that reflects its meaning.
I will also apply eliciting or do a choral drill to make
sure students remember previously studied language needed to practice and make
sure students do less
controlled and free
practice, among other things I can do. For the TBL lessons I will
have a complete task as the aim of it. I mean an activity in which students try
to achieve something real and have to communicate to do it. I will start the
class by proposing a discussion on the topic of the lesson followed by some
tasks they can do. I will also explain some possible vocabulary or language
needed to complete those tasks and they will do the exercises based on that new
For more details about the topic, visit the
below links:
- Williams, M. (2011) Presentation techniques and introductory activities. Retrieved from: http://teachingknowledge.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/pppytbl.pdf
- LANGUAGE LINK (1997) Presentation techniques, approaches and introductory activities. Retrieved from: http://jobs.languagelink.ru/tefl_clinic/teaching_knowledge/glossary/presentation_techniques_approaches_and_introductory_activities.php
- Ayara, E, E. (20013) What are the presentation techniques and introductory activities? Retrieved from: https://prezi.com/favx3bysftea/what-are-presentation-techniques-and-introductory-activities/