Sunday, December 7, 2014


This unit taught me that assessment means judging learners’ performance by collecting information about it. Learners are assessed for different reasons and for using different methods to do so. A teacher can use formal and informal assessment. The first one has to do when a teacher assess learners through tests and exams and give them a grade. The second one has to do with when we observe learners to see how well they are doing something and then often give them comments o their performance.

I also learned that there are several reasons why a teacher might want to assess learners formally such as giving them a diagnostic test to find out what they know and don’t know. Also by giving them placement tests to know in what level they are at. It’s based on a syllabus which is formed by many things like a coursebook, etc.

I will implement this topic on my future teachings by recognizing it’s very important for tests to have a good influence on teaching and learning. I will reflect on the level of learners and the content of tasks, because it should reflect on what I will teach. I will finally feedback to learners on what they got right or wrong, their strengths and weaknesses and what they can improve, because through feedback assessment helps learning.

Extra information on web resources you can visit:

  • Reference: Stiggins, R. (2005). Student-involved assessment for learning. Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall. Retrieved from:

1 comment:

  1. Good Job!
    I like how yiu explain the content of this unita but I really enjoy the most all your links that you found as extra information for this element.
